Saturday, May 23, 2020
How to Teach Latitude and Longitude
Heres an easy way to teach latitude and longitude. The teacher should model each of the following steps which only takes about 10 minutes. Steps Use a large wall map or overhead map.Create a latitude/longitude chart on the board. See Related Features below for an example.Hand out blank charts like the one on the board for students to complete with you.Select three cities to demonstrate.For Latitude: Find the equator. Determine if the city is north or south of the equator. Mark N or S in the chart on the board.Determine which two lines of latitude the city is in between.Show how to determine the midpoint by splitting the difference between the two lines from step seven.Determine if the city is closer to the midpoint or one of the lines.Estimate the latitude degrees and write the answer in the chart on the board.For longitude: Find the prime meridian. Determine if the city is east or west of the prime meridian. Mark E or W in the chart on the board.Determine which two lines of longitude the city is in between.Determine the midpoint by splitting the difference between the two lines.Determine if the city is closer to the midpoint or one of the lines.Estimate the longitude degrees and write the answer in the chart on the board. Tips Emphasize that latitude always measures north and south, and longitude always measures east and west.Stress that when doing the measuring, students should be hopping from line to line, not dragging their fingers along one line. Otherwise, they will be measuring in the wrong direction. Materials Wall or overhead mapChalkboardChalk
Monday, May 18, 2020
The, The Land Of Opportunity - 1604 Words
It is an old problem for societies, how to take care of and rehabilitate the downtrodden. America is known as the land of opportunity: where anyone can make it no matter their nationality, color, or sex. And while much of America aspires to, and many Americans achieve a life of relative economic stability, there are those who, for various reasons, have not been so lucky. Despite the numerous non profit, and governmental aid programs designed to assist and rehabilitate the homeless, the homeless population continues to rise (according to a 2013 U.S. Mayors report, 52% of surveyed cities reported growing homeless populations) (Cochran, 8). For those unfortunate enough to find themselves without a home, clawing their way out of homelessness on their own has proven to be extremely difficult. Not only are the homeless at a disadvantage in the job marketplace, but many homeless grow a strong connection to the homeless community that welcomed them in upon landing on the street, and are rel uctant to leave it, even if that means remaining homeless. While the government and aid organizations are attempting to minimize the crisis, past solutions either provide housing for the few lucky homeless, or they attempt to provide jobs, but not both. Given the need for a package deal, one potential (yet underused) solution is the creation of community-run working towns which would be able to provide a strong incentive for whole communities of homeless to move in and begin working, thusShow MoreRelatedLand of Opportunity960 Words  | 4 PagesUnited States of America Land of Opportunity? United States of America is known as the land of opportunity for many immigrants who dare to dream of a better life. Since the beginning of American history, United States has focused more about equal opportunity than any other country. There are many people who strongly believe that once they come to the United States it is almost guaranteed to find success. For example, my relatives in Korea always ask my parents how much my family has earned so farRead MoreImmigration : The Land Of Opportunity1583 Words  | 7 PagesAmerica throughout history has always existed as the land of opportunity. This land gave immigrants the opportunity to leave their country since political unrest and lack of opportunity become an issue. These immigrants were willing to leave behind their homes, cultures, and relationships and start fresh in another country. Starting fresh in America does not guarantee success, but these immigrants were willing to put their lives on the line in order to accomplish a â€Å"rags to riches†success storyRead MoreThe Land Of Opportunity : Immigrants1509 Words  | 7 PagesThe Land of Opportunity Immigrants created America, a nation that has embraced immigration. Throughout the years, America developed its â€Å"American Dream†concept, which states that anyone can succeed in the United States as long as that person works hard and does gives up. That concept, hope or dream attracts thousands of individuals, many of which leave their native countries with their hearth full of hope and the illusion of reaching and living the â€Å"American Dream.†However, the wonderful dreamRead MoreThe Land Of Opportunity By Loewen960 Words  | 4 Pagespopulation, outnumbering Baby Boomers by eleven million. Higher education is now more crucial for securing a middle-class lifestyle than ever before, yet for the majority, the cost for a bachelor’s degree has become prohibitively expensive. In â€Å"The Land of Opportunity†, Loewen contends that high school education methodically avoids a critical dialogue of socioeconomic inequality in America. The social class to which a student belongs greatly influences their capacity for upward mobility. If higher educationRead MoreLoewen The Land of Opportunity990 Words  | 4 Pagesin America James W. Loewen, essay â€Å"The Land of Opportunity,†discusses how many times Americans don’t know about social classes and the effects they have on society. Loewen argues that the common American people aren’t given equal opportunity in this day in age. He says that American history books have great influenced what we see about the class system because a great deal of history is often left out. James Loewen begins â€Å"The Land of Opportunity†by saying that teenagers have their ears andRead More America: The Land of Opportunities1139 Words  | 5 PagesAmerica: The Land of Opportunities In modern day society, a college degree leads to people making specific assumptions about an individual’s capabilities, which proceed to shape social generalizations that may assist or inhibit the success of an individual in the economic system or job market. Universal standards form throughout the job market as a result of those assumptions made about students who attend college that may not encourage a full understanding of an individual’s ability to performRead MoreImmigration : The Land Of Opportunity943 Words  | 4 PagesImmigration remains the foreground of the United States; this happens to be one of the reasons it is known as the land of opportunity. Since the beginning, immigration has been a key concept in America, immigrants could settle down without fear of persecution. However, modern laws have seized this foundation and twisted it in such a way that it is a crime to migrate to the United States, under certain circumstances. Now, there only exists few o ptions for immigrants to be naturalized and made permanentRead MoreAmerica, The Land Of Opportunity2249 Words  | 9 PagesHenry Schineller Carlucci American Literature 21 May, 2016 Rough Draft America, the land of opportunity. A majestic land where barriers are broken and dreams are made into reality. A land where anything is possible with a little hard work and determination. One may ask what makes a place this possible. The answer to that question is the people. Americans have a certain way about them that makes them different from any other people on earth. All Americans are heroes in some way, but a select fewRead MoreAmerica, The Land Of Opportunity2357 Words  | 10 PagesHenry Schineller Carlucci American Literature (B3) 23 May, 2016 Forty Two America, the land of opportunity. A majestic land where barriers are broken and dreams are made into reality. A land where anything is possible with hard work and determination. One may ask what makes a place this possible. The answer to that question is the people. Americans have a certain way about them that makes them different from any other people on earth. All Americans are heroes in some way, but a select few standRead MoreOpportunity Defined The Unassigned Lands1492 Words  | 6 PagesEssay B - 1 Opportunity defined the Unassigned lands. Two attorneys, T.C. Sears and Elias C. Boudinot, found within the old treaties, land titles, and other various documents that 14 million acres of land were unclaimed, which would later be promoted Oklahoma district (Baird and Goble, p 141). The drive behind the Sears and Boudinot were primarily monetary reasons. Sears was an attorney for the Katy Railroad, which sought to settle the unassigned lands to increase the revenue from the empty region;
Monday, May 11, 2020
Gas Money Vs. A Human Life - 1270 Words
Maya Jardon Relgion Mr.Cristosimo April, 21, 2016 Gas Money vs. A human life Alcohol, it has been around for ten thousand years. Some great things have come from it, but in some situations it has ruined people’s lives. Some may ask how something can have such opposite endings. Well the answer is that people don’t know moderation while consuming alcohol. Alcohol can easily be misinterpreted as an un-harmful substance. In this essay I will educate readers that in moderation and in church traditions it is not harmful or being abused. I will be discussing the importance of where the selfishness and rule breaking comes from when one is intoxicated while driving. I say selfish because that is what it is, a human being lacking consideration for†¦show more content†¦It only takes one alcoholic beverage to lessen your ability to respond to things that happen abruptly while you are driving. Some effects of alcohol can include blurry or double vision, impaired thoughtfulness and slowed reactions. The amount of alcohol that one has consumed can be measured by the amount someone has in their blood. BAC is an acronym for blood alcohol concentration. Once you take a drink, there is no way to guess what your BAC is. In Canada, the maximum legal BAC fo is 80 milligrams of alcohol in 100 millilitres of blood (0.08). Driving with BAC over 0.08 is a criminal offence. The Zero BAC law means that certain drivers cannot have any presence of alcohol in their blood while they drive. These are all drivers age under 21 year of age, if caught your driver s license will be suspended on the spot for 24 hours and if convicted, your driver s license will be suspended again for at least 30 days and you will receive a $60-$500 fine. In Deuteronomy 14:22-26, God instructs the Israelites, You shall tithe all the yield of your seed, which comes forth from the field year by year. And before the LORD your God, in the place which he will choose, to make his name dwell there, you shall eat the
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Robert Moses - 1080 Words
Robert Moses was the creator of New York City, Long Island, and Westchester County, NY throughout the 1 1930s and 1950s. He had transformed neighborhoods into shorelines and highways/roadways. He was very successful and changed NYC forever. However, some believed that he had removed lower-class residents from their homes to benefit the rich. I believe that he had helped the people of the future by making their life easier and untroublesome. But he was also very inconsiderate with the people who he had displaced to create a better future for the working society today. He had ignored the people of New York City, who had made the city up. Streets, playgrounds, and pools do not make a city, but the people who live within it do. Michael Powell†¦show more content†¦Robert Moses disregarded these rules. Phillip Lopate also wrote an article on Robert Moses, however, his perspective was the opposite of Caro’s. He portrayed Moses as a hero of the twentieth century. His articl e, â€Å"A Town Revived, a Villain Redeemed†, Lopate â€Å"argued that Moses had done far more good for the city than bad  taking into consideration his many parks, beaches, bridges and other necessary transportation projects  and ought to be honored as one of its greatest citizens†. He believes that Moses had made the city much safer for all of us residents. He also admits that there was no doubt that Moses was racist. But he also tells us to look beyond that and see what he has done for us. Moses had cleared large tracts of land for university and hospital expansion or middle-class housing. However, Lopate also explains that poor and working-class families were not relocated nearby but displaced to worse neighborhoods. But he questions us, â€Å"Would be take back all those world-attracting amenities, the hospital and university buildings, the cultural complexes, if we could, even knowing that might imperil the city’s future economy?†An d many of us answer NO. We would not take it back because it benefits us but Lopate does not realize that he destroyed the home of many poor people to create buildings for the future. I think Professor Ballon was right. Caro wrote the article based on the mentality andShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Robert Moses s Master Builder 914 Words  | 4 PagesRobert Moses also known as, New York’s â€Å"Master Builder†, was born on December 18,1888 in Connecticut. He grew up in New York City after his family relocated in 1897 . In 1924, Moses became President of Long Island State Park Commission and since than, held power until 1968, when the Rockefellers started possessing all the power. Robert Moses accomplished a lot of construction in New York that was seen as negative and positive by many people. He built 658 playgrounds, 36,000 acres of parkland, 416Read MoreEssay on Mississippis Freedom Summer1115 Words  | 5 Pagesthe cause drove me to join. What happened in the 1 962 elections should never be repeated. Imagine, only 6.7% of eligible black voters registered, the lowest in the whole country! In orientation, we were taught (with a guest appearance of Robert Parris Moses, the director of the project!) of opening Freedom Houses, Freedom Schools and community centers throughout Mississippi. Here, African Americans realize their history and constitutional rights. Nevertheless the most valuable thing we teach isRead MoreA Brief Note On Robert Moses, Richard Ravitch And Othmar Hermann Ammann3916 Words  | 16 Pagescontributions in the world of infrastructure were Robert Moses, Richard Ravitch and Othmar Hermann Ammann. All three of these men were involved in designing numerous landmarks, highways, bridges, tunnels, and other forms of infrastructure that today we take for granted. Although all of these men were involved in infrastructure in the New York metropolitan area, their contributions, personalities, and the public’s opinion of them were all different. Robert Moses was born in New Haven Connecticut. He is consideredRead More Promises To Keep Essay1279 Words  | 6 Pageseverlasting covenant between Me and you and your descendents after you for the generations to come, to be your God and the God of your descendents after you.†(Gen. 17:7) The sign of the covenant was for Abraham’s male descendents to be circumcised. Moses was next to have a covenant with God, which became known as the Mosaic Covenant. Because of a famine in Canaan, the Israelites moved to the â€Å"Land of the Pharaohs†, Egypt. Although the Israelites were not great in number yet, they grew tremendouslyRead MoreBread of Life1034 Words  | 5 Pagesguest by providing an extravagant meal, which included bread. Sarah even took the time to bake fresh bread for them. Another form of hospitality including bread is in Exodus 2:20. Moses helps Reuel’s. or Jethro his future father-in-law, daughters water their flocks. As thanks for helping his daughters, Reuel asks Moses to eat with them, or â€Å"break bread.†In Exodus, the Lord tells the Israelites to bake unleavened bread for their deliverance from Egypt. The Israelites had to leave Egypt quicklyRead MoreMount Sinai And Religious Beliefs803 Words  | 4 Pagesbrings thousands of christians to Egypt because of it’s history, mystical powers, and it’s overall grandeur. Mount Sinai is located in Sharm El-Sheikh in Egypt it is huge and old but has many stories about it that are told in many different ways. Robert Cornuke says â€Å"Many Bible references seem to point away from the traditional Mount Sinai in the Sinai Peninsula and toward the mountains of Saudi Arabia.†Mount Sinai is sacred to the religion Christian. The word â€Å"Christian†literally means, â€Å"belongingRead MoreCode Of Hammurabi Vs. The Ten Commandments1610 Words  | 7 PagesEgypt there was someone else coming up with a more spiritual way of life. The Ten Commandments, although history says that Moses discovered the stone some time in 1400 B.C., 300 years after, it has been said that these commandments were known about since the beginning of time from a Higher Power. Moses was a former Egyptian prince and later became a Prophet. The bible quotes Moses as one of the greatest Prophets of history. Facing Pharaoh Ramses and freeing the Jews from slavery, he was o ne of the mostRead MoreEssay on The New Identity of Exodus as a Myth1950 Words  | 8 Pagesthis myth. Moses, a descendant from a long line of Israelites, becomes the main character in determining the fate of the Israelites in Egypt. He first experiences the voice and wisdom of God in the form of a burning bush (Ex. 3:3). While in the physical form of a fire, the Lord instructs Moses to â€Å"rescue them (the Israelites) from the hands of the Egyptians and lead them out of that land into a good and spacious land, a land flowing with milk and honey†(Ex. 3:8). The challenge of Moses for the restRead More Escape from the Red Sea Essay example2404 Words  | 10 Pagesthem. In great fear the Israelites cried out to the LORD. 11They said to Moses, ‘Was it because there were no graves in Egypt that you have taken us away to die in the wilderness? What have you done to us, bringing us out of Egypt? 12Is this not the very thing we told you in Egypt, â€Å"Let us alo ne and let us serve the Egyptians’? For it would have been better for us to serve the Egyptians than to die in the wilderness.’ 13But Moses said to the people, ‘Do not be afraid, stand firm, and see the deliveranceRead MoreSpiritual Opportunity For A Transition1926 Words  | 8 Pagescover) The objective of this class is to develop the knowledge and skills that ease the transitions we all go through. With this work we will come to understand the paradox of change and gain a deep understanding of the process of transitions. In using Robert Brumet’s book Finding Yourself in Transition as our guide, we will join with the Israelites of Scripture as they move from an ending, into the void (the wilderness), to a new beginning (the Promised Land). transitions offer the opportunity for a breakthrough
The Black Power Movement Free Essays
The Black Power Movement During and after the days of Jim Crow, blacks in the United States were economically and socially oppressed. Blacks still faced lower wages than whites, segregation of public amenities and racial discrimination. At this time many groups were created to challenge these injusticces. We will write a custom essay sample on The Black Power Movement or any similar topic only for you Order Now The Black Power Movement and the Civil Rights movement were similar because they both fought for equal rights and equal treatment for African Americans. However, they sought to achieve different goals and implemented different forms of action to achieve change. The Civil Rights Movement fought for desegregation and believed in non-violence, while the Black Power Movement rejected integration for racial seperation (Jefferies, 2006). In this essay, I am going to further discuss the tactics used by the Black Power Movement to gain change, and the accomplishements they achieved. Emerging after the civil rights movement of the 1950’s, the Black Power Movement was arguably one of the most influential and controversial movements of the 20th century. â€Å"Black Power†as a political idea originated in the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committe (SNCC) n the mid 1960’s (Jeffereies, 2006). At this time a leader emerged by the name of Stokley Carmichael. Upon gaining leadership, Carmichael ejected white members and believed that the only way to bring about change for blacks was to have an all black union. Stokleley Carmichael believed that Black Power would instill a fear in whites and love in blacks ( Carmichael, 1967). In 1966, Huey New ton and Bobby Seale formed the Black Panther Party for Self Defense (BPP) in Oakland California. By the late 1960’s, the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee SNCC) and the Black Panther Party for Self Defense began to gain momentum. Martin Luther King Jr imitated Ghandi and his use of non-violebnce to gain India independence from Great Britain. Because of the Civil Rights Momvement, in 1964 the Civil Rights Act was passed and a year later the Voting Rights Act was passed, ending segregation and ultimately gave blacks the right to vote (Muse,1968). However, non-violent protestors were being beaten, cut with razors and knives, hot cigarettes and cigars were burnt into their arms and aces, they were spat upon and kicked to the floor, policemen locked them up by the thousands into cramped unsanitary jails (Muse,1968). Even with the obvious progress, discrimination could not be eliminated. Many members of the SNCC grew tired of the non-violent approach used by King and other groups within the Civil Rights Organization. Increasing members of the SNCC had come to reject the moderate path of cooperation, integration and assimilation of their elders (Ogbar,2005). Divisions grew betweeen the Civil Rights Movement and the Black Panther Movement. The eaders of the Black Power Movement argued that assimilation or integration robs blacks of their identity and dignity (Algernon, 2003). Malcom X, a member of the nation of Islam, believed that Africans historically fought to protect their lands, cultures and freedoms from European Colonists, and that to seek to integrate into a society that has stolen one’s people and their wealth is an act of treason (Algernon, 2003). As a result, aggressively more radical voices came foward to challenge racial discrimination. Black Power advocates began to insist the Blacks carry guns and receive ilitary training in order to protect themselves. Members of the Panthers openly carried weapons and made death threats towards police officers. The Black Panthers sought to oppose police brutality in African American neighborhoods. Police Officers were frequently followed by armed Black Panthers The Black Panthers staged violent protests which often resulted in the death of Panthers and Police officers. From 1967 to 1969, nine police officers were killed and 56 were wounded in confrontations with the panthers (Marine, 1969 How to cite The Black Power Movement, Papers
Quality and quantity control in cement industry Free Sample
Question: Discuss about the Quality and Quantity Control in Cement Industry. Answer: Introduction Cement industry is one of the most elementary industries as the product can be found in normal day to day functioning. Cement is a fine powder which is used to give strength and is the controlling component of concrete. This is the key component used in construction project. Techniques and activity used to achieve, improve and sustain the quality of products or services can be defined as Quality control (Anyanwu, 2013). Determination of composition of all the material used in production of cement is important for an affluent control in process and quality of product. Quality assurance and monitoring of production to meet the applicable product standard as specified in the scope of testing. Quality control Diversified functions are being performed by the modern plants expert control and supervision is a key to get most out of it cement plant. Process expert alleviate the plant, optimize production, manage process interference and reduce wear and tear of equipments. Areas of quality control start with control of raw material, finished goods, in process control and physical control. If proper control methods are adopted in manufacturing of cement it will result in less rejection rate with increased product quality, price reduction, and increase the product yield leading to increase in reputation of the company in the industry. Need for quality control Ever increasing competition in construction industry and demand of best quality products by the customer has lead cement industry to take efforts to provide high quality products. If quality control is not done it will result in low productivity, under utilization of resources and loss of customer. Cost of cement production is very high because of amount of energy used by cost driver. 60-130 kg of fuel and 150KWH of electricity is required to in the process of manufacturing of each tone of cement (Okereke, 2003). General Policies for Quality control To meet the objective of providing best quality cement most of the Australian companies in cement industry are following Quality management system by complying with the requirements of International standards AS/NZS ISO 9001:2000. Basic requirements for following quality management system based on ISO9001 are adopting short and comprehensive review process to determine the needs of customer. It is also important to be in touch with suppliers for maintaining the quality of the components and raw material. Identifying the opportunity and solving the problem expeditiously is also important to maintain the quality of the cement manufactured by the company. Quantity Control Quantity control means total material quantity that will be created if every produce receipt has been posted in control cycle. Quantity control process should not be confused with physical counting of stock. In todays world it is common to have immense requirement of bulk material even in a sheer size project which creates the need of quantity control. Another reason for quantity control in cement industry is because every organisation requires quantity information in different form. There are two methods for taking quantity control decision. First physical count of products received and matching them with invoice receipts and second in the low cost where physical count can be too costly physical count is not required and invoice should be matched. Need for quantity control Cement is made by crushing and grinding calcium carbonate known as limestone, sand (silica), alumina and iron ore in suitable proportion and then heating the outcome in kiln. In production of cement use of computerized controls in number of application can be done to optimise the mix of raw material to ensure there is proper composition of chemicals (Keviczky). The control system of production helps in production of maximum quantity of cement in accordance with the prescribed quality. It can also optimize burning process to improve the quality of cement and thereby improving heat recovery and emissions from clinker cooler. Quantity control also becomes important in certain cases where the supply of that product is limited for example in case of manufacturing of cement electricity consumption is very high which makes it important to schedule the use of electricity properly and to use alternative source of energy. A quantity take off policy is needed by the organisation to identify the requirements of raw material needed for manufacturing of cement. Data base managers can be used as a powerful tool to generate a versatile report summarizing the information needed. Various companies have designed Quantity control system for recognising the material used in manufacturing process. The ability to know the need of raw material, finished goods and work in progress is very important for a manufacturer. Quantity control helps the organisation to maximise its profit by keeping track of the quantity requirements. This also leads in improving the productivity of the organisation. Quantity control concept with Database Concept (Source: Project Management Institute) Conclusion Quantity and quality control can help in achieving optimal allocation and reallocation of machines and can also result in minimization of production cost of cement. These controls can be considered as guide for the management of the company for proper utilization of resources and in creating strategies based on the future requirements. References Okereke, P.A. (2003): Construction Materials, Testing and Quality in Tropical Climate. Crown Publishers Ltd. Owerri Cement Industry Federation. (2013). Industry Report. Retrieved on 1 April 2017 from : Keviczky, L. (2017). Automation and Control in cement industries. Control, System, Robotics and Automation. Vol XIX. KEMA INC. (2005). Industrial Case Study: The Cement Industry. Retrieved on 2 April 2017 from: Diekmann, J.E. (1981). Quantity Control- the key element in project control. Retrieved on 2 April 2017 from : Anyanwu, C.I. (2013). Quality Control Concepts in the Manufacture of Masonry Blocks for Building Project Delivery. IOSR Journal of business management. Vol. 14. Pp 35-40
Friday, May 1, 2020
E-Commerce Performance Hospitality Tourism -Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The E-Commerce Performance In Hospitality And Tourism? Answer Introduction The assignment is delving with the preparation of a Tourism E-Commerce Plan. The purpose of the E-Commerce Plan will be discussed. Also, the situation analysis regarding the company will be elucidated. This will be discussing about the company, the details of the organization and its current products and services. A discussion will also be made regarding the description of the target market and the segments that the company is required targeting for the chosen product. The organizations objectives relating to the marketing campaign will get briefly identified. Moreover, the methodology regarding the evaluation of the website will also get discussed. The company that has been chosen for this assignment is Manly Guest House. The guest house is offering the best quality service relating to budget accommodation in Manly, Sydney. This place is considered as the most famous beachside suburb. The guest house is offering a homely atmosphere having private accommodation as well as common amenities such as kitchen as well as bathrooms. The guesthouse is offering best quality budget accommodation in Manly where Single, Double, Twins, Trios and Family Rooms are being offered. The salient features of the guest house are free high speed internet, free wireless access, free towels, free bed linen, complimentary tea and coffee as well as pleasant backyard (Manly Guest House, 2017). Company Description The Manly Guest House is a budget guest house that is located near the beach. The guest house is within a 10-minute walk of Manly Beach as well as Manly Wharf. The Manly Sea Life Sanctuary as well as Sydney Harbour National Park is also within 5 kilometres radius of the guest house. In regard to the property features, it can be stated that there is the availability of self-parking, 24-hour room service as well as laundry facilities at this guest house. There is also the availability of free WiFi in public areas of the guest house. In addition to that, there is the presence of a computer station, a library as well as free newspapers onsite. In regard to room amenities, it can be stated that all the 19 rooms are offering free WiFi, 24-hour room service as well as complimentary newspapers on weekdays (Manly Guest House, 2017). On the ground floor, a guest can do the cooking of their meals in a kitchen that is fully equipped and relax in the TV lounge of the guest house with Foxtel, do t he checking of their emails for free on the computer having high speed internet or the guests might use their personal laptop with wireless connection. There is also the facility for enjoying the sun outside in the backyard of the guest house. Concerning the various kinds of rooms that are available in the guesthouse, it can be stated that there are single rooms, twin rooms, budget double room, standard queen room, trio room, and family room for four people, family room for five people, as well as family room for 6 people (Manly Guest House, 2017). Target Market The target market for the guest house can be identified with the help of surveys, online reviews, Google analytics, Facebook insights as well as Twitter insights. In respect of surveys, it can be stated that the earlier guests are the best resource of qualified information. The guest house does the using of post-stay guest surveys for ensuring that the travellers are having a better stay, and also finding other essential information. The online reviews of Manly Guest House are another area to search for key information. Guests most of the times do the mentioning of things they liked, disliked and what could have been better (Dima, 2014). This information could be used for making the necessary improvements at the guest house. For instance, in one of the reviews for Manly Guest House, the guest did the mentioning of the free beach cruisers, surfboards as well as skateboards (Fatima, 2017). Those additional services are a nice touch, particularly taking into consideration the location o f the guest house near the beach. The guest house is having the knowledge that Manly beach is drawing a lot of travellers to their property. They are capitalizing on their distinctive services and adding extras that most of the guest houses are not doing. The guest house is also planning to do the installation of Google analytics on the companys website, which is considered being a very effective tool (Rusko, 2017). The Manly Guest house is targeting the budget travellers who are searching for a clean, comfortable and relaxing place that is very near to the beach. The Manly Guest House is focusing on quality, luxurious, as well as individualized accommodation in respect of travellers. Its most significant groups of potential customers are those travellers who traditionally do the selection of the distinctive atmosphere of guest houses to the more conventional and sterile surroundings of hotels. To create a home away from home will be ensuring a large number of customers who will be revisiting again (Kant, 2016). The main segment of customers for the Manly Guest House is leisure travellers trying to find an accommodation in Manly. The guest house is planning to get registered at all the main destination-websites in Australia. The guest house is also undertaking the launch of a direct marketing campaign. Since, the guesthouse is located very near to the Manly Beach; the location plays a major role in the marketing strategy focused upon tourists who like to spend some leisurely time at the beach (Huang, 2017). The guest house is also directing their marketing efforts relating to conferencing as well as other events, at the locals in Manly. Objectives The Manly Guest house in order to achieve success and become one of its kinds follows various marketing objectives. This includes: Knowing the Guest: Manly Guesthouse exactly knows the needs of the guest and thereby tries to cater to them. The guesthouse thus provides various facilities so that the guest gets the best value for their money. Ensuring Unique Selling Point delivered to Guest: Every business has some unique selling point considered as a desirable feature for making business. Similarly, the Manly Guest house uses its unique location as selling point to its guests By Being Smart with the Advertising: Advertising is important for every business in gaining visibility. The Manly Guest house also adopts this advertising technique through posting online reviews in its website, surveys, Google analytics and Twitter and Facebook insights. Harnessing the Power of E-commerce for Gaining Visibility: Though increasing number of companies are relying on the Internet and e-mail facilities in driving business, this particular guest house is trying to adopt better means for increasing its profitability and thereby bringing in more business. Through Development of Seasonal and Special Promotions: Promotions considered as stalwart of marketing programme as there is scope for ample creativity. During peak seasons, the guesthouse also does various promotions on its special offers. By Being Consistent and Efficient: The Manly Guesthouse believes in being consistent and efficient in its business that they believe will encourage return visit from guests. This also allows them to convey a message about the guesthouse to their friends and family. Website Evaluation Methodology Website considered the most efficient process for the promotion of offers via the website of Manly Guest House. This allows individual special offer to be clearly visible on the homepage of the guest house via a banner or visual advert, and with the help of a link in the major navigation that helps in bringing customers to the special offers page of the guest house (Standing, 2014). Home page The home page is one of the most important pages of a website as it is responsible for driving in maximum traffic who can finally be potential customers. Thus, the homepage of the Manly Guest House is clear and simple and conveys the visitors about what it does in a simple language (Ren, 2014). Quality Quantity of Content The quality and quantity of the content is important for a website. Thus, Manly Guest house website not only maintains quality but also quantity. The content is crisp and to the point and is devoid of any punctuation, grammar and spelling mistakes (Cao, 2016). Descriptions are also to the point. The fresh touch in the content allows visitors in taking interest in going through the website. Web Architecture The web architecture referred to as a two-tiered architecture dependent on the web browser and the web server (Hua, 2016). The web browser is responsible for displaying information content and the web server transfers information to the clients. In terms of web architecture, the website of Manly Guest House seems perfect. Usability Accessibility Usability refers to how easily the website is usable. This depends on five criteria that include memorability, efficiency, errors, learn ability and satisfaction. On the other hand, accessibility refers to the facility in presenting information with sensory channels that not only include sight but also sound (Sigala, 2017). In this regard, the website of Manly Guest House is not only accessible but also usable. Commercialization Commercialization defined as the procedure in introducing a new thing into the market for the purpose of financial gain. The Manly Guest house has designed its website keeping in mind commercialization that would not only drive business but also increase its profitability. The language of the website should be easily understandable by the visitors. This has to note because in certain cases the first impression is usually the last one. The language should be lucid and have less of creativity (Ren, 2014). Familiar words must be used so that people takes an interest in reading the website. Now in this context if the website language for the Manly guesthouse is considered then it is not only lucid but also written in manner that anyone can understand. Brand image When designing a website the brand image of the company needs portrayal in a heartfelt and human manner (Gavalas, 2014). While accessing through Manly Guesthouse website one can see how the company has designed the website keeping the prime focus on the brand identity. Persuasiveness For a website to be persuasive there should be clarity so that the visitor can get an idea about what the site is dealing with even at a glance (Mohapatra, 2013). The use of superlatives should be less to the best extent possible and focus should be more specific. In this regard, if the website of the chosen guesthouse is considered then the website has maintained all the criteria required for persuading a visitor. Interactivity Website interactivity is essential factor in designing a website. Therefore, to make the website more interactive, the website should incorporate structure that ensures easy navigability. There should be use of varied colours that is to be hyperlinked with the page dedicated for subscription (Gavalas 2014). Moreover, in the era of Smartphone there should be required amount of optimization dome so that the website becomes accessible through the smart phone. There should also be a whole lot of content that should keep the visitors engaged. The website of Manly Guest house is quite interactive in this regard. Social web Social networking is a great way for showing the audience how invested one is in building ones brand image and bringing in business (Ren 2014). Thus, by answering queries of customers or by sharing content that is innovative the company ensures that it mainly focuses on creation of a brand of their interest. Content marketing should never end with the publication of your content. In this regard, the Manly Guest House discussed in report tries to enhance its visibility through promotion in various social media platforms. Mobile communications Mobile communication is a wireless communication where data and voice information transmitted, emitted and received by means of microwave. Some of the examples of the mobile communication include digital and cellular cordless telephones, pagers and satellite based communications. The website of the Manly Guest House provides a booking number to which the visitors can make a call for reservations. Conclusion To conclude, that Manly Guest house mainly concentrates upon the budget travellers who are searching for a clean, comfortable and relaxing place that is close to the beach. The Manly Guest House is giving high priority towards quality, luxurious, as well as individualized accommodation for the travellers. The guest houses most significant groups of prospective customers are those travellers who in general, do the selection of the distinctive atmosphere of guest houses to the more conventional and sterile surroundings of hotels. The guest house is also considering the launch of a direct marketing campaign. As because, the guest house is located close to the Manly Beach, the location plays a key role in the marketing strategy that is concentrating upon tourists who are having the inclination to spend some leisurely time at the beach. Therefore, the marketing objectives of Manly Guesthouse well described in the report. In addition to this, one can also find the website evaluation method ology in the perspective of home page, quantity and quality of the website, web architecture, usability and accessibility, language, commercialization, persuasiveness, social networking and mobile communication. Therefore, when the website of the company analyzed in this perspective, there is perfect implementation of all the aspects. Thus, the chosen company with its marketing strategy and perfect website will be able to draw in more visitors thereby adding them to their guest list Reference Cao, K., Yang, Z. (2016). 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